Wednesday 12 October 2011

Narrative based

This type of video is where the video tells the story of the lyrics. This type is popular with all sorts of artists because most songs have a narrative, and lyrics to follow.  In a narrative based video there a five elements to it which are equilibrium, disequilibrium, recognition, reparation and new equilibrium. Example  ‘Jesus of suburbia’ By Green Day  this video starts off with the reparation  first with  a dialogue bit with the characters Jimmy walking over to his girlfriend telling her that he saw her with someone else. Then it goes to the equilibrium of him and his girlfriend at a party having fun and happy then it goes to him and his girlfriend in his room. Then it goes to the disequilibrium and recognition of Jimmy and his mum arguing he has to drag her home from a party   then its shows  Jimmy having a fight with a guy that he saw his girlfriend with. The narrative new equilibrium of him packing his stuff and leaving his mums house. The reason for this type of video is so that the audience understand the song more and the video helps with that.

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